Saturday 25 April 2015

Film Shoot Progress

Here are a large number of production skills for both projects:

Daniel's Kite:

Set building the bedroom and Headmaster's office:

Jay sanding the wall.

Waiting for the paint to dry.

Putting up the wallpaper.

The bedroom wall is now complete.

Waiting for the 2nd paint coating to dry.

Putting on the Wallpaper. 

Ellen and Jay gluing the wallpaper.

Putting the wallpaper up.

Painting the headmaster's wall.

Painting the first wall in the bedroom. 

Building the Bedroom set.

Here I am discussing with Nathan the camera movement for the opening shot.

This was a near complete set build, still waiting for more props.

Another production still of a near complete set build. 

Here is the complete right hand side of the set.

Here is a still showing what our night scene would look like.

Here is the completed build of the fort. 

Jay is making the book.

Another night scene shot from a lower angle.

A MS of Issac (Daniel) in the tent.

Camera feed on the monitor.

Nathan and Jay working on the Headmaster's office.

Complete set build for Headmaster's office. 

Here is the photo still of Mr Addington. 

Living Room Scene:

Director Chris Kenward going through the next shot.

On set of Daniel and his father.

Sony F5 Camera setup with Sigma 50mm.

Art direction created by Jay.

Getting ready for a take.

Second still of the art direction. The lamp has a gel inside to change the style of lighting to C.T.O.

Under the Sun:

Quarry Scene:

Started the day off with camera setup.

Then Brock going through the scene with our actors.

James setting up his sound equipment.

Jim at the top of a dirt hill.

The alcohol and kiss scene.

Rolling the end scene.

EWS of the location.

Director Brock again going through a shot with our actors.

Fight Scene

Cast and Crew 

Art Director Alice at work.

Rhy and Eve

Director Brock giving guidance.

Police Taping.
Kissing Scene.

Jim and Rhy meet Eve for the first time Scene.

Jim's House Scene:

Kitchen Area.

Kitchen Area #2
Birthday Cake, art direction by Alice.
Jim's Father.
Art Direction by Alice.
Final camera positioning.
Ready for a take.
James Dolan working Sound. 
Jim on the hallway stairs.
More art direction by Alice.

Hallway scene.

Caravan Scene:

Art Direction by Alice #1

Art Direction by Alice #2

Art Direction by Alice #3

Art Direction by Alice #4

Art Direction by Alice #5

Art Direction by Alice #6

Art Direction by Alice #7

Art Direction by Alice #8

Mulitple Locations:

Art Direction #1 by Alice. Rhy's House

Art Direction #2 by Alice. Rhy's House.

Rhy's mum.

Jim angered by Rhy's actions.

Brock guiding Jim through the scene.

Rhy's House.

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